Working with energy changed everything…

Energy work is the most powerful way I have found to change your life. To move it from feeling like a shitstorm of repeatedly bouncing along rock bottom or like an exhausting uphill struggle, to actually loving life, loving yourself and achieving your biggest goals!

How can I say that with such confidence? Because I have applied it to myself and my life rigorously. Everything I share comes from first-hand experience and from what my clients share with me.

I used to live a life that felt like I was shrink-wrapped into a very small space. I was anxious nearly all the time and scared of so much. Although I was strong minded and when I really wanted something, I would go for it, due to low self-worth I was questioning and fighting myself the whole time too. Which obviously slowed down progress and got in the way of achieving my goals.

Energy work gave me the key to unlocking and releasing the resistant stagnant programming and patterns within me that weren’t serving me and it allowed me to fully embody a more empowered way to relate to myself and the world around me. This in turn allowed me to grow in confidence and take more intuitive and inspired actions to be able to create what I really wanted in life and business!

When I discovered energy work…

… I was teetering on the edge of burnout. I was desperately wanting my business to grow. I worked every possible hour, doing everything and anything suggested to me that might help, AND I was trying to do all of those things consistently (as we hear all the time how important that is), which all layered to take up so much time!

At that time, I was also still recovering from the fall out of a 15-year relationship ending and found myself living and working in a box room in a family member’s house. This gave me so much motivation to want to get my life moving forward, but this put a lot of pressure on my business, as I saw it as the key to enabling the other areas of my life to advance.

Even though the pain from the break-up itself had pretty much subsided by this time, rebuilding my life had its own kind of new pain. Anxiety. A rife inner critic. Excruciating self-doubt and insecurity. Low self-worth. Oh, and I would feel like I shrivelled up in shame whenever I thought about my how my body looked.

As much as I was into self-development and proactively embraced a positive mindset, I was still very much struggling. I was getting some results from my efforts professionally, but I was also getting really worn out. It just wasn’t sustainable. Mentally and emotionally I was in a lot of anguish, wracked by overthinking and sometimes debilitating anxieties. My life lacked balance and I felt like I was emotionally bouncing along rock bottom as my progress forward was painfully slow… and frankly despite trying to put a positivity band-aid on things, I was miserable.

I was ready for things to change…

Luckily, I had come across the concept of energy in Qigong classes, so was open minded when the opportunity to try a ‘free energy programme’ came up and I jumped at it.

The technique I learnt was called The Energy Alignment Method (EAM) and after the free programme, I signed up to train as a mentor to be able to use it with clients as I could see the huge value of adding it to my coaching sessions!

The key thing here was a requirement to do a programme of energy work on yourself intensely first before learning to use the technique with others. Once I got going with this I soon realised that there was so much for me to work on here that I chose to take a step back from my business to prioritise taking that time out for me first. This was a turning point for my self-worth.

It may sound counterproductive to scale down my business activities when that was what I was passionate pursuing. However, it was a massive life lesson for me. To invest in me before my business. To learn to love and value myself enough to take the time out to work on me first. I realised that this investment into me and my wellbeing would ultimately enable me to grow my capacity to achieve and sustain my business and life goals in the future.

And if I didn’t do this? I recognised that there was a tonne of resistances in my energy from past baggage and the unhelpful programming I had acquired that was going to continue to get in the way of my ability to create the business that I dreamt of. So it was a no-brainer really. If you want change you have to do something differently.

I committed to doing this work on myself…

After the first year of using EAM and doing the course and mentoring training, I discovered a whole bunch of more personalised topics outside of the course that required work… This involved energetically shifting the thoughts, beliefs, emotions and patterns of behaviour that had layered up over my life and stuck to me like those sticky balls you get when you walk through fields. They were weighing on me and slowing me down in my business… and my life!

That second year I worked intensively on body image issues, fear of flying, anxiety around the idea of getting into another relationship and intimacy. In my third and fourth years of doing energy work, I turned my focus to becoming energetically aligned in my business, money and enabling more happy and healthy relationships.

I have learnt so many things on my own journey and with working with clients. Including how vital it is to have a deep well of self-love and self-worth that comes from within you, not from outside factors like work and other people. Your relationship with you underpins everything and is the foundation on which your business is built on and needs to be stable and strong if you want your business to grow and thrive!

Why is energy work so powerful?

Ultimately energy is everything! We are made of energy. Everything is made of energy.

When you work on clearing your resistances on an energetic level you can more easily get to the root of things, for example, changing unhelpful beliefs, taking the energetic charge out of troubling memories, and clearing just about anything that might be sabotaging you from the inside out and keeping you stuck operating at less than your optimum.

When you work on yourself energetically you get to the layers beneath mindset and your programming and habits, and you can create transformation on a much deeper level. This then naturally allows you to step into operating in an in-flow state more regularly and experience all the benefits of that. Such as increased focus and concentration; being more open to ideas, inspiration and intuition; things feeling simpler and easier to do; operating at higher performance levels; and enjoying what you do more.

My own journey with self-development and energy work has rewarded me with so many benefits. This has included: shifting a debilitating amount of generalised anxiety. I overcame fear of flying and have flown happily multiple times since around Europe and to the USA. I have happily entered a new relationship with a wonderful man who makes me laugh and smile every day. I have a much healthier relationship with myself and my body now. I have re-focused and re-booted my business which now operates with greater joy and confidence, and I have produced a signature programme that helps business owners kick ass and uplevel their business from the inside out!

How you can do energy work too…

I now teach these things and so much more of the lessons I learnt to clients on my Power Up Programme. Having experienced such big shifts within myself and wanted to share the most pivotal bits of what I learnt with other women in business, who are ready to uplevel further in their life and business, and want to make their mark on the world.

I share how to invest in yourself and your business through shifting your energy and your mindset from being in a resistant state to being in flow and alignment with your goals. This changes everything as it moves you from being subject to old resistant and subconscious unhelpful patterns that slow you down and sabotage your efforts, to embodying the energy and habits that will support you to achieve your goals… and to do it easier, faster and having more fun along the way!

I also teach a bunch of things I wish I had known earlier in my business journey, that when they are in place you are more likely to naturally be in greater flow in your business, have greater resilience and access your true potential!

I feel so grateful that I get to help my clients to overcome what has been halting or slowing down their business progress, and getting in the way of achieving their business goals (and therefore life goals!), and to enable them to create a strong inner foundation to build their business from.

Final thought...

As ever, I am a work in progress (like we all are!) and so is my life and business. However, thanks to investing in me and my energy, I am now able to live in a way that is more in tune with being loving to myself and living a life I love every day. I always feel excited about my work and can see the routes forward opening up with much greater ease and clarity than ever before, and I take more confident action. I have set things up to grow it in a way that is most in tune with me and who I am, and I now feel supported in my business and happy, trusting in each step along the way.

This is something that you can have too! It all starts with your energy!

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Check out Hazel’s Power Up Programme and inject some amazing energy into your life!

Hazel Addley